Is Music the Answer?

at least there is music

Music seems to be the overarching theme for this pandemic - everywhere we look there are beautiful musical performances - from the One World Concert on Saturday night to the Berklee School of Music video, to the nightly clapping of thousands of hands in thanks, to voices ringing out in song from windows all over Italy, music is everywhere. If we think about it, music surrounds our lives - from early childhood to teenage years (all parents know about this) to heartbreak, to falling in love, and, even at the end of our lives, there is music. Music seems to be central to the core of our beings, and this we-don't-know-what-to-call-it-time is no exception.

So now that we're more than a month at home, how do we feel? Who could have imagined this? It is hard to know where to start - everyone is experiencing this national crisis differently: parents homeschooling their kids (all teachers need raises!), working from home - sometimes two or more adults in the same space (the trend towards smaller homes may be over!), the financial worry of business owners (what was I thinking?), being separated from loved ones (really zoom and skype are great!), not being able to travel (glad I didn't spend all those hours planning a Spring trip), to learning new skills (dusting off my Rosetta Stone French), to just taking a breath and taking a walk (haven't had time to do that in a decade!)

While this crisis was not something we could have planned for and we wouldn't wish it on ourselves or anyone else, we have found that there is still joy and hope and music. We trust the contents of this newsletter will make you laugh and show that in the darkest of times, life can have promise (and be funny!)


Read Newsletter here: