Can Burnout Affect Hiring Managers and HR Professionals?


Burnout.  It’s a term used (and misused) in many professions and industries. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not as simple as feeling a little stressed or overworked.  In reality, it’s the condition of being exhausted physically, emotionally and mentally.

Recent global events have caused many, such as healthcare professionals, first responders and essential workers, to experience severe cases of burnout.  Yet, there’s another profession that is experiencing increased levels of burnout: Human Resources.

The reasons range from the completely understandable to the surprising.

Burnout Caused by Resizing and Restructuring Efforts

In early 2020, it was business as usual with most industries.  Then things changed almost overnight.  Towards the end of winter, COVID-19 increased exponentially across the globe.  By mid-March, various mitigation efforts like community lockdowns led to disarray in the job market.

While some companies were able to adjust to remote work or hybrid environments, others had to shut down temporarily or permanently.  No matter which course of action was taken, human resources representatives were in the thick of it.

HR reps and hiring managers spent most 2020 overseeing the restructuring efforts of their respective companies.  Human resources professionals faced some of the toughest challenges, from figuring out the logistics of remote work and hybrid scenarios, to implementing safety protocols that protect essential on-site staff and processing layoffs and early retirements.  On top of it all, as the messengers of all news good and bad, many human resources professionals bore the brunt of their coworkers’ ire. 

These things all took a toll on wellbeing.  

Burnout Caused by The Current Job Market

Flash forward to the latter half of 2021.  Many human resources professionals and hiring managers are still dealing with residual restructuring efforts.  As many companies rescind their work-from-home policies, human resources reps are now faced with the logistical challenges of effectively communicating new policies to all employees, implementing return-to-on-site-work efforts, and replacing employees who have decided not to return to in-house operations.

Simultaneously, many human resources personnel and hiring managers are experiencing a new set of staffing challenges.  In the current job market, there are now more available positions than there are candidates to fill them.  This trend is causing job seekers to be more selective with their job search.  While this is great news for active job seekers, it’s not great news for human resources professionals and hiring managers.

At this time last year, these HR representatives and managers were trying to figure out the best ways to run businesses on skeleton crews, remote workers and hybrid staff.  Now, they are having difficulty filling vacancies for positions that would normally bring in an overabundance of applicants.  At the same time, they are trying to prevent any impending burnout of current employees who are covering the responsibilities for multiple positions.

That roller coaster of extremes is causing despair in many human resource departments across the country.  Since HR professionals are known to put the good of other employees above their own needs, their actions are leading to increased cases of HR manager burnout.

How to Prevent HR Burnout

Companies need everyone in their HR department to be healthy in mind, body and spirit.  Instead of letting them carry the burdens of residual and current staffing issues, it’s up to the top-level management to throw them a lifeline. 

A professional staffing agency like Elite Personnel can be an essential lifeline.  Our team of recruitment experts work with HR professionals and hiring managers to locate the best job candidates in the greater DC area.  From large corporations to mid-sized companies to small businesses, our experienced crew can take staffing issues off your shoulders to help reduce the risk of HR burnout in your organization.

If you’re ready to give your HR team the break they deserve, then you’re ready to talk to the team at Elite Personnel.  Contact our recruiting experts today!